Announcing the return of a old "friend"!
The Inner Resource Centre online
For many years, The Angel Ladies had a wonderful resource centre in Newmarket, ON. There, many people came together for workshops, events, and readings. I am so happy to announce that the Inner Resource Centre is online and offering many exciting workshops and offerings!
The online store is filling up with goodies all the time!
Come and explore the many things that are bring offered, including an Energy Healing class coming up on December 12, and an Angel Workshop series beginning in February.
Blessed by the Angels

For more than 20 years, Deb and Jean have been known as The Angel Ladies. Popular workshop leaders, authors, and promoters of loving angels for everyone, their message was simple: the angels are here to assist us in our every day life.
Deb has been recalibrating since Jean, her beloved angel partner and wife transitioned to Spirit in April. Jean's pure channel helped countless people connect with angels and loved ones over the years. Her unique gifts and wise spiritual support assisted many in challenging times.
Deb is offering her popular angel amulet readings, healing sessions over Zoom, and Spiritual Direction. She understands that in time, Jean will be assisting from Spirit and those actvities will be announced.​​​