Angel Prayers

Our Angels are ever present with us as we walk the course of each day. Constant companions and bearers of Love's own Grace, they guide us, inspire us, protect us and call us to connect with the One who created us all. This is their role and their purpose in our lives.
When we offer our heartfelt prayers to Angels, they bear them to the Source of Love, known by many names throughout this beautiful planet. So, whether you pray to God, Goddess, Allah, Spirit, Love, Holy One, Creator...your prayers are heard and Angels are activated to help you. Here are some favorite prayers you may find helpful. We offer them to you with love.

Morning Prayers
Sending Angels Before You
Angels, go before me to smooth my way. Draw to me those who can assist me in meeting this need in high and Loving ways. Protect me in this endeavor, and guide me in recognizing the path I should follow at this time. In Love I pray, so be it and so it is.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
I give thanks for the gift of this new day, and for the promise and possibilities that it holds. I give thanks for the many blessings that I have received (take a moment to reflect on all the people and things for which you are grateful), and I give thanks for all the wonderful things that come to me today!
Loving Angels, open the channel of my heart, that I would ever be grateful for the many good things in my life: help me always to appreciate the good in my life, and shower me and all whom I love with blessings this day!

Night-time Prayers
Dearest Angels, the day is past and night like a blanket closes round me. Thank you for all that I have received this day: for blessings, for lessons learned, for insights and understandings, for your constant guidance and protection.
Loving Creator, I offer all my worries, fears and concerns to you this night and ask that your steadfast angels take care of them for me. I offer those whom I love and leave them in your tender care. I offer prayers for this world and ask that you care for all who are in any need this night. Send holy Angels to bring hope, love and blessings to all who are fearful, lonely and in pain this night.
Calm my heart and bring peace to this house as I prepare to sleep. Angels,surround it with your presence and keep us safe, till the Sun breaks through the dark. Thank you for your loving help and constant presence in my life. So be it.
Healing Prayer
Divine Love, in whom I live and move and have my being, I open my heart to your assistance. Dear Angels, ever by my side, I ask for your help this day. Holy One, send Angels of Healing to be with me (or the person who needs prayer) and fill me with the light of your Love. May this Light chase out all fears, all anxious thoughts, and all distress in my body, mind and spirit. As the light of your healing love surrounds me, may peace be restored in my being.
I ask that every cell in my body be strengthened and resonate to the perfect vibration of radiant health. I ask that the perfect treatment, caring professionals, and circumstances come forward to assist me in my healing.
Send Angels to smooth the way and draw everything together for my good. And may I be grounded in Love this day and always; Love that gives me strength; Love that brings me peace; Love that brings me insights and healing. So be it and So it is!

Prayer for those affected by natural disasters
Loving Creator,
We call to mind those whose lives have been disrupted by the forces of nature, those who have been affected by earthquakes and wildfires, by typhoons and hurricanes, by tornadoes and floods and drought.
Surround them with your loving care, sending angels of comfort and courage to support them, angels of insight and wisdom to guide them, angels of healing to restore their bodies, minds, and spirits.
We ask as well for angels of compassion and caring to inspire many others to come to their aid, supplying their needs and assisting their recovery.
In the name of Love we pray. So be it.
Prayer for Peace in the World
Loving Angels, be with those whose homelands are torn by war and violence. Protect those who have been pressed into service and those who defend their homes and families. Guide the non-combatants to a place of safety, and guard them and the innocent animals who are also threatened when violence flares. Strengthen the fearful, ease the suffering, lead into light those who die by violent means and comfort those who mourn them.
Especially, we ask you to inspire those in authority to seek peaceful ends to disputes of all kinds so that all people may live as loving members of one great family united in love. We ask in Love's own name. Amen.

We are so grateful that you find these prayers to be of assistance in your journey. If you are a regular visitor and find these prayers have helped you in the course of your day, please offer a gift of thanks by making a tithe or donation to the Angel Ladies. The continuation of our work and ministry depends on the generousity of people just like you. Thanks!
These prayers have been written by The Angel Ladies and are offered to assist you and those whom you love connect with our Loving Angels who are given to us by Divine Love. You are most welcome to share them; just please include our contact information and website.
All prayers © 2016 The Angel Ladies

Prayers for your Life
Prayer for your Morning