The Angel Ladies' Books on Amazon

Spiritual Abundance!
For almost 20 years years, Deb and Jean, The Angel Ladies, have taught an effective, radical approach to inviting prosperity into your life. They call it Spiritual Abundance because all meaningful change must come through a commitment of the heart, a deep conviction of the spirit.
This is the self-study version of their popular program that takes you through 12 weeks of exercises and activities that helps you break through the blocks and open you to blessings and good things.
The book includes an introduction to the basic elements that are necessary to a happy and healthy outlook, which can affect your prosperous life. There are daily affirmations, worksheets, exercises and other techniques to help get you in the flow - all done with a lighthearted approach.
Imagine being happy, healthy, loved and prosperous! The Spiritual Abundance program works to invite changes on all levels of life. Is it time for you to embrace this way of being?
Spiritual Abundance!: A Comprehensive Prosperity Program

Marketing for Readers and Healers:
How to Grow Your Spiritual, Psychic, or Healing Business
What better job is there than helping people get their life together? And what better way to do that could there be than to guide them to understanding, growth, and healing?
Lightworkers and spiritual workers such as psychics, mediums, some coaches, writers, teachers, healers, and others know this joy. They know how important their work is to the well-being of their clients. It is a real satisfaction for you to offer others the insight, advice, or helping hand that eases their way or gives them needed direction but if you’re like most spiritual workers, though, marketing is a challenge for you.
It’s hard for you to promote yourself. It feels egotistical and conceited, maybe, or intrusive. Perhaps you’ve seen hard-core marketers using manipulative techniques to get clients and, in rejecting the hard sell, you’ve sold yourself short.
You deserve to have clients, and clients deserve to have the opportunity to book a session with you. They can’t do that, though, if they can’t find you. And they can’t find you if you don’t put yourself out there.
In this book, you will discover lots of ways to do that. The suggestions are concentrated on free or inexpensive tactics, making them perfect for lightworkers new to the profession as well as long-time lightworkers who hesitate to promote themselves.
Some of the tips here may seem basic, but look at them with fresh eyes. You may have heard the technique before, but perhaps now is the time to apply it in a new way.
Marketing for Readers and Healers: How to Grow Your Spiritual, Psychic, or Healing Business

How many people do you know who are happy with their job, love life, health, finances? There are very few people who can tick off satisfaction in all of these boxes.
What about you? What is it that you want in life? What is it that you dream about? What excites you as you consider possibilities and directions? Do you know how to get there? Do you believe it can even happen?
This little book, based on workshops led over several years by The Angel Ladies, helps you breaks through blocks and embrace the good that is waiting for you. You can live a prosperous and happy life. Take the next 28 days to see what happens.